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QCC Search


Whether you're searching for more chat, shopping online, song lyrics, a new home loan, or just surfing, Quick Chat Café is a great place to start!

Google search shortcuts:

  • When looking for a Wikipedia article, just add the word "wiki" to the end of any search.

  • For a map of any US (and some other countries) location, try typing the address directly into the Google search box, separated by commas (e.g. 12345 Main St., Yourtown, NY). You can do this with or without a zip code.

  • Search for videos by adding the word "youtube" to any search.

  • If you want to narrow your search to words that must appear together, try adding quotes around all or part of your search (e.g. "to be or not to be" Shakespeare).

  • Remember that Google is context-sensitive, and will attempt to display both search results and advertisements that are relevant to your search!

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